Studio Lights Education

How to Take Good Photos of Flowers with Dark Background

Why Do Everyone Like Black Background?

Photography requires subtraction, and photography is the art of subtraction. Before a unified background, all the extra elements except the main body are removed, and simplicity is beauty. Even the very ordinary leaves can be beautiful and quiet.

Make the picture more textured

The black background can highlight the veins and textures of the petals of the branches and leaves. Coupled with the strong color contrast, it can show many delicate details. No matter how ordinary an object is, once it is photographed into a single background,

The texture of the picture will also be greatly improved.

Comprehensive test of photography technology

Shooting a black background may seem simple, but first, the environment must be considered, secondly, metering, and lastly, the background and creativity must be considered. It’s not as simple as pressing the shutter as you might imagine.

▲The flowers were photographed with X-rays under a dark background.

Take a good black background photo, you can not only take photos of flowers, but also still life, people and so on. Nowadays, artistic photos with dark backgrounds are also very popular.

How to take a good picture of a flower with a dark background?

  1. Choose a dark background

Flowers on a black background do not have to be a pure black background, just try to choose a dark, dark background. Generally, the color of the flower is relatively light. Try more angles when shooting, it is easy to find a dark background with contrast.

  1. Use spot metering

After choosing a dark background, use the spot metering mode. That is, the brightest area of the subject is selected for metering.

The purpose is simple. It is to use spot metering to increase the light ratio, so that the bright exposure is normal, and the place darker than the metering position will naturally go black. It’s the same thing with shooting silhouettes.

In the case of relatively strong light, it is easy to use this trick to make the background black.

Using the evaluative metering mode, the effect of shooting ▼

  1. Reduce exposure compensation

Through the first two steps, you can basically shoot a dark background in many scenes.

If the picture still looks a little gray, you can reduce the exposure appropriately. When adjusting the exposure compensation, it depends on the area of the dark background. The larger the area, the larger the value of exposure compensation should be. For the same flower in front, in the aperture priority or shutter priority mode, reduce the exposure of -1EV ~ -2EV, and the background of the screen can basically become black.

  1. Take advantage of backlighting

In light conditions, if the background color is brighter, it is difficult to take a black background effect. But under backlight conditions, even if the back is not dark, the effect is easy to produce because of the large contrast of light.

Shooting effect under forward light conditions▼

A slight adjustment of the angle under side backlighting can produce a darker background effect.

If it is forward and backlit, pay attention to the light source should be higher or lower than the camera.

The shooting effect under side backlighting ▼

  1. Use flash

The biggest advantage of using flash is: brighten the foreground and darken the background, even if the background is not dark,

It can also shoot a black background.

It should be noted that when using the flash, the farther the background is from the subject, the better. If there is no external flash, the use of internal flash can also be achieved.

The effect of shooting without flash ▼

The effect of shooting with flash ▼

  1. Borrow dark props

When the shooting conditions are unfavorable, or when you don’t want to be so troublesome, you may wish to use some black or dark props, such as background cloth, umbrellas or clothes, and place them at a certain distance behind the flowers.

When shooting with this method, either use macro or telephoto shooting, and don’t let things into the picture, so as not to affect the subject. Of course, the techniques mentioned above still apply.

Take a photo with a black background, and the subject must be concise. The choice of flower composition and branches is very important.